Chapter 5 Favorite Journals

**Academic Journals** starting with

SCOUPS]( that typically directs me to



*Nature Medicine*,](,)

*Science Translational Medicine*](

**Laboratory methods** in

*Nature Methods*,](,)

*Nature Protocols*,](,) and

Springer|Nature Experiments](

**Cellular, Molecular Biology** in

Bruce Albert’s ‘Molecular Biology of the Cell’](

*Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology*,](,)

*Cell Press*,](,)

*Nature Structural & Molecular Biology*,](,)

*Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy*,](,) and

*Science Signaling*](

**Clinical microbiology, metagenomics and microbial ecology (microbiome sciences)** in

Manual of Clinical Microbiology](

Principles of Virology](

*Nature Reviews Microbiology*,](,)

*Clinical Microbiology Reviews*,](,)

*Journal of Clinical Microbiology* (J Clin Micro),](,)

*Nature Microbiology*,](,)

*International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal* (ISMEJ),](,)

*Cell Host & Microbe*,](,) the

*Nature* subject/Microbiology]( which includes the more narrow subjects

*Nature* subject/Microbiome,](,)

*Nature* subject/Communities,](,)

*Nature* subject/Metagenomics,](,) and the ecology & evolution journals

*Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics*,](,) and

*Nature Ecology and Evolution*](

**Infectious Diseases and antimicrobial stewardship pharmacy practice** in

*Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy* (AAC),](,)

*Nature* subject/Antimicrobials,](,)

*Clinical Infectious Diseases* (CID),](,)

*The Lancet Infectious Diseases*,](,)

*NEJM Infectious Diseases*,](,) and the CDC’s

*Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report* (MMWR)]( and

*Emerging Infectious Diseases* (EID)](

**Nucleic Acid Biochemistry**

Baxevanis, Bader & Wishart’s ‘Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins’,](,)


*Nature Genetics*,](,)

*Nature Reviews Genetics*,](,)

*Genome Biology*,](,)

*Nucleic Acids Research*,](,) the

*Annual Review of Genetics*,](,) and the

*Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics*](

**Immunology** in

*Nature Immunology*,](,)

*Nature Reviews Immunology*,](,)

*Science Immunology*,](,) and

*Mucosal Immunology*](

**Artificial Intelligence** in

*Nature Machine Intelligence*,](,)

*Science Robototics*,](,) the

*IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence*,](,)

*IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems*,](,) the

*International Journal of Intelligent Systems*](

*Information Sciences*,](,) the

*Physics of Life Review*,](,)

*Artificial Intelligence Review*,](,)

*Knowledge-Based Systems*,](,)

*Neural Networks*,](,)

*Neural Computing and Applications*,](,) the

*International Journal of Computer Vision*,](,) and the journal

*Pattern Recognition*](